I think focus is the most valuable quality that we all have. Above all else. It is so valuable that pretty much everything in society is trying to steal it from you.
Honesty, Accountability, and Reliability are all traits we want in people. I want my President to be all of those things.
Strength (whether mental or physical) is a trait to be admired. We admire the Rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger for being physical specimens.
Wealth is envied. We would all love to be Elon Musk or Bill Gates. To have the ability to effect you will on the world through your money.
However, none of those other traits are valuable without Focus. Focus is their multiplier.
I can be Honest, Accountable, and Reliable, but those are are qualities of action. If one can't Focus on getting anything done, what good are they?
Untamed Strength is either belligerent and dangerous, or untrained and unrefined.
Wealth without Focus is typically wasted.
However, Focus can be valuable alone.
If you can do anything, focusing on consistently making incremental progress allows you to improve through compounding. That can be training the body/mind, or making use of an ability or skill that you already have.